the image based on the user’s location: Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List Image choices - dynamic content personalization Source link no longer accessible (originally sourced from But you don’t have to limit yourself to demographic data – you can use psychographic data as well to show a specific feeling for a target persona. For instance, consider this landing page for a home loan product from a bank: Landing page for a home loan product Source: BBVA (URL no longer live) It shows something the bank’s target persona
(35+-year-olds with young families) can Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List identify with – a family in their home. This highlights a particular desire of the persona. If you do the following, you’ll have a landing page design that’s closely aligned with a targeted buyer persona. Change copy and content to fit persona demands The next step after changing the design is to change the copy and content to fit your buyer personas. This includes a number of things, such as: 1. Use persona-specific copy Your customers won’t necessarily respond to the same
copy. A soft sell might work for highly Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List motivated buyers, but will fail for low motivation shoppers. Start by changing the copy in your landing page design to focus on the following: Age: Casual, quirky copy might work for younger audiences but have the opposite effect on older users. Role and industry: High-level decision makers in conservative industries (say, banking or insurance) need more sincere, trustworthy copy than users in younger industries (like tech or design). Motivation-level: More motivated buyers need