Using a blogging tool such as a website builder or blogging tool is an easy-to-manage way of sharing your journey and can help you build and increase interest in your business. It also provides a great record to look back on later and remind yourself how far you've come. Blogging is a viable way to regularly add content and information to your online presence. It's also a great way to interact and get feedback from your friends, supporters, potential customers, and other interested parties. Start Building Your Email List If you've built your basic website in stages, starting to build your email list is one of the most important things you can do to become self-sufficient in your business.
While social media platforms are absolutely important, they still face a key challenge that everything you do on them is subject to that network's rules, and those rules can phone number list change at any time. Most notably, if a social network is an intermediary between you and your customers and community, then you have no say in that relationship. Contrast this with building your own email list. With your own email list, you can develop direct relationships with customers or community members without the influence of third parties. Related: The Beginner's Guide to Starting an Email List.
The Beginning to Build Momentum and you take in connecting with others and connecting them to your vision as you begin to envision it. While it's necessary to come up with an idea to bring it to life, it's also important to get through stages if you intend to see the results of your idea impact the world. When you do this, you start to build your team and people who believe in your ideas as much as you do. Stages are where you start finding your tribe and connecting with them to begin your process of changing the world.