In such conditions it is extremely important to constantly care about acquiring and retaining customers. In this article well show you five proven ways to help. At the beginning you ne to realize one key issue nowadays it is practically impossible to run an online store without extensive marketing . This is because firstly you have a lot of competition and secondly customers are expos to hundrs of stimuli and advertising messages every day which means that they can simply forget about you. Therefore you must strive to acquire new customers every month and try to keep them as long as possible. How can you do it Although each case is different a strategy tailor to the nes of e commerce should be bas on four main foundations.
Here they are. performance marketing Performance marketing is your best bet if youre just starting out. A well prepar and conduct advertising campaign can make your store visit many new customers in a short time. You have various performance marketing channels at your disposal but it is worth focusing on two that offer effectiveness Taiwan WhatsApp Number List test in hundrs of marketing campaigns and give access to a wide audience. GOOGLE ADS Search ads allow you to reach customers looking for the products you offer. Ads should oscillate around specific offers that you want to draw the attention of potential buyers. As part of Google Ads you have two most important advertising formats at your disposal these are both text ads that are display in search results as well as Google Shopping Adsads display on product queries.
They contain a photo of the product name price and address of the store that offers it. Research shows that as much as of click Google Ads ads contain words relat to the desire to buy . Google Shopping Ads example FACEBOOK ADS This is another valuable source of traffic but it works a bit differently.