Constitution require a certain readiness for action, a readiness which, however, at calm. Furthermore, the ability to know how to move from one topic to another , to make connections, mental associations, to use one tool instead of another is fundamental. This transversality, compensated by the internal quiet , has been highlighted in previous articles on the multi-potentiality in the field of knowledge and work and life experiences 1 and by the researches of Marshall McLuhan himself, for whom "Electromagnetic technology requires from man a profound docility and the quiet of meditation, as befits an organism which now has the brain outside the skull and the nerves outside the skin.
Regarding the ability to weave connections and to make mental mobile number list associations, we also add to all this the specific forma mentis induced by the new media, information and communication technologies (ICT), and by the digital world more generally. According to the sociologist Roberto Maragliano "the media think within us and direct us to act [...] in the ways of reticularity, connectionism and constructionism" (1998, pp.48-52). And it is on the basis of this connectionism that interesting models based on mental association are established , or which in a deeper sense we could define on analogy, i.e. on the ability to associate a fact, an event, information in the general sense of the term, to something else, which presents itself.
Different guise but with the same content. And it is the latter one of the characteristics of the new media and of media technology that make us reconnect this world to a way of approaching reality that is in some ways "magic" , which bypasses certain rationalist and positivist models according to which two events are force different from each other only because they occurred in two different moments, and which speaks to us of a re-enchantment of the world through technique 2 . Back to index cognitive flexibility The ability to think across the board, the ability to make mental associations.